Function | Description | Example |
json_to_map | Parse a JSON string into a Map using Standard JSON(https://json.org/). Args: json_str (String): The JSON string to parse. Returns: Map<String, String>: A map containing the parsing results, where both keys and values are of type string. Returns NULL if parsing fails. | > select json_to_map('{"p":"ordinals"}')["p"]; ordinals |
json5_to_map | Parse a JSON string into a Map using JSON5(https://json5.org/). Args: json_str (String): The JSON string to parse. Returns: Map<String, String>: A map containing the parsing results, where both keys and values are of type string. Returns NULL if parsing fails. | > select json5_to_map('{"p":"ordinals",}')["p"]; ordinals |
decode_rune(hex) | Decode the RUNE(https://rodarmor.com/blog/runes/) protocol message. Args: hex(string): The hexadecimal string containing the RUNE protocol message. Returns: StructType: A structured data type containing the decoding results, including two fields: - first_push_numbers (Array<Decimal(38, 0)>): Integer sequence decoded from the first data push in the protocol message. - assignment_tuples (Array<Array<Decimal(38,0)>>): These first_push_numbers are interpreted as a sequence of (ID, OUTPUT, AMOUNT) tuples. - second_push_numbers (Array<Decimal(38, 0)>): Integer sequence decoded from the second data push in the protocol message. - symbol (String): SYMBOL field decoded from the second data push in the protocol message,a human-readable symbol encoded in base 26. - decimals (Decimal(38, 0)): DECIMALS field decoded from the second data push in the protocol message, the number of digits after the decimal point to be used when displaying the issued rune. | > select decode_rune("6a01520b0001ff00752b7d00000000020112"); { "first_push_numbers": [ 0, 1, 2.1E+9 ], "second_push_numbers": [ 1, 18 ], "assignment_tuples": [ [ 0, 1, 2.1E+9 ] ], "symbol": "A", "decimals": 18 } |
regexp_extract_all(str, pattern) | Extracts all subsequences that match a specified regular expression from a given input string. You can test the regular expression using https://regexper.com/. Note: Similarly to the regexp_extract function, if a regexp has a backslash (''), then need to specify '\' Args: input_str (String): The input string. pattern (String): The regular expression pattern. Returns: Array<Arrray<String>> : A two-dimensional list containing information about all matches. Each match is a sublist, where the first element is the entire matching string, followed by the matched strings of each capturing group. Returns None if no matches are found. | > select regexp_extract_all('alice:123, bob:456', '(\\w+):(\\d+)' ); [ [ "alice:123", "alice", "123" ] , [ "bob:456", "bob", "456" ] ] |
decode_bitcoin_script(hex_str) | Parse the hexadecimal data of a Bitcoin script into individual operations. Args: hex_str (string): The hexadecimal data representing the script. Returns: array<struct<op:string, data:string>>: A list of structs containing opcode names and corresponding data for OP_PUSHDATA operations. | > select decode_bitcoin_script("6a01520b0001ffa0860100000000000aff524853030000000012") as operations; [ { "op": "RETURN", "data": null }, { "op": "PUSHDATA(1)", "data": "52" }, { "op": "PUSHDATA(11)", "data": "0001ffa086010000000000" }, { "op": "PUSHDATA(10)", "data": "ff524853030000000012" } ] |
to_bb26(decimal_number) | Converts a positive decimal number (> 0) to a bijective base-26 string. Here’s an example of decimal (base-10) numbers compared to their corresponding BB26(bijective base-26) string: Decimal: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | ... BB26: | A | B | C | ... | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | ... bijective base-26: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bijective_numeration#The_bijective_base-26_system Args: decimal_number (int/bigint/decimal): positive decimal number (> 0). Returns: string: bijective base-26 string. | > select to_bb26(1); A > select to_bb26(27); AA > select to_bb26(0); NULL > select to_bb26(-1); NULL |
from_bb26(str) | Converts a bijective base-26 string to a decimal number. Here’s an example of decimal (base-10) numbers compared to their corresponding BB26(bijective base-26) string: BB26: | A | B | C | ... | X | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | ... Decimal: | 1 | 2 | 3 | ... | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | ... bijective base-26: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bijective_numeration#The_bijective_base-26_system Args: str (string): bijective base-26 string, must consist of uppercase letters A-Z. Returns: decimal(38,0): decimal number. | > select from_bb26("A"); 1 > select from_bb26("AA"); 27 > select from_bb26("A1"); NULL > select from_bb26("a"); NULL |
decode_bitcoin_varints(hex_str) | Parse the hexadecimal data of a pushdata operation containing a group of varints. Args: hex_str (string): The hexadecimal data of the pushdata operation. Returns: array<decimal(38,0)>: A list of decimals. | > select decode_bitcoin_varints("0001ffa086010000000000") as numbers; [0,1,1E+5] |
to_base26(decimal_number) | Converts a non-negative decimal number (>= 0) to a base-26 string. Here’s an example of decimal (base-10) numbers compared to their corresponding base-26 string: Decimal: | 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ... Base26: | A | B | C | ... | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | ... Args: decimal_number (int/bigint/decimal): non-negative decimal number (>= 0). Returns: string: base-26 string. | > select to_base26(0); A > select to_base26(26); AA > select to_base26(-1); NULL |
from_base26(str) | Converts base-26 string to a decimal number. Here’s an example of decimal (base-10) numbers compared to their corresponding base-26 string: Base26: | A | B | C | ... | Y | Z | AA | AB | AC | ... Decimal: | 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | ... Args: str (string): base-26 string, must consist of uppercase letters A-Z. Returns: decimal(38,0): decimal number. | > select from_base("A"); 0 > select from_base("AA"); 26 > select from_base("a"); NULL |