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Cancel any or all partial transactions by specifying a nonce or a set of nonces. You can only cancel partial transactions before the final step of the send operation. The rest of the partial transactions remain valid.

pyesProtocol: orc-20 or orc20 case-insensitive. (OIP-1) For wider adoption, any ordinal tokens supporting ORC-20 implementation (like src-20, xrc-20, including wrapped BRC-20) can be included.
tickyesTicker: symbol of ORC-20 in any size, eg. ORC = orc
idyesIdentifier: inscription number.
Subsequent operations must use inscription number (OIP-3).
eg. initial ORC-20 deployment doesn't require id; but you must specify inscription number of the deployment for subsequent mint, send, migration, and upgrade.
opyesOperation: cancel eventType of event: eg. deploy, mint, send, cancel.
nyesNonce: Array of nonce(s) partial transaction(s)
msgnoMessage: custom text, message, manifesto in any size

Example 1: cancel the partial transaction with nonce 5.

  "p": "orc-20",  
  "tick": "orc",
  "id": "2504160",
  "op": "cancel",
  "n": "[5]"

Example 2: cancel multiple partial transactions with nonce 6, 7, 8. (advanced)

  "p": "orc-20",
  "tick": "orc",
  "id": "2504160",
  "op": "cancel",
  "n": "[6,7,8]"