Our search engine supports searches for Address, Text, Tick, Name, and Inscription, covering common search scenarios for Ordinals.
When entering any text content into the search box, it supports suggestions for results in various asset categories, including Inscription numbers, BRC20 Tokens, ORC20 Tokens, Domain Names, Bitmaps, and more.
After hitting Enter, you will be directed to the search results page. You can switch between tabs to view specific search results for different asset categories, such as BRC20, ORC20, Inscriptions, Address, Domain Names, Bitmap, etc. In the 'Search results' section, you can see all inscriptions that contain the search term in their content.
When you enter a specific wallet address in the search box and press Enter, it will directly navigate to the profile page for that address. There, you can view its asset net worth, position, and transactions.
In the advanced search feature, when you add an address to your watchlist and provide it with a note, you can also find it by entering that note in the search box.