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Inscribe-Send & Inscribe-Remaining-Balance

You can inscribe send event to multiple receivers and send the remaining balance to the sender. Each send event is a partial transaction. You can cancel any or all partial transactions before the final step of the sending operation. You must include a nonce in each send /cancel event to indicate a specific partial transaction.

After the completion of a transaction, the new balance of the sender should be updated with the balance sent back to the sender. Directly inscribing "send remaining balance" to another address will be considered invalid. The inscription which maintains the balance of the sender is invalidated. The sent amount to the receiver is added to the total balance of the receiver.

pyesProtocol: orc-20 or orc20 case-insensitive. (OIP-1) For wider adoption, any ordinal tokens supporting ORC-20 implementation (like src-20, xrc-20, including wrapped BRC-20) can be included.
tickyesTicker: symbol of ORC-20 in any size, eg. ORC = orc
idyesIdentifier: inscription number.
Subsequent operations must use inscription number (OIP-3).
eg. initial ORC-20 deployment doesn't require id; but you must specify inscription number of the deployment for subsequent mint, send, migration, and upgrade.
opyesOperation: send event **(Use send or transfer compatible with BRC-20 OIP-2)**Type of event: eg. deploy, mint, send, cancel.
nyesNonce: keep track of each partial transaction
amtyes, when sender is not receiverSend Amount: always set amount If sender is not the receiver; default to the remaining balance when sending back to sender.
msgnoMessage: custom text, message, manifesto in any size


The sender send 1,000 $ORC (inscription number #2504160) in two partial transactions. Each transaction must have a unique nonce.

Step 1: sender inscribes 1,000 $ORC (nonce 5) on "send inscription" to sender's address

  "p": "orc-20",
  "tick": "orc",
  "id": "2504160",
  "op": "send",
  "n": "5",
  "amt": "1000"

Step 2: sender inscribes the "send remaining balance" back to sender

  "p": "orc-20",
  "tick": "orc",
  "id": "2504160",
  "op": "send",
  "n": "6"

A transaction is only complete after the remaining balance is sent.

Step 3: Sender sends satoshis which contains the "send inscription" created in Step 1 to receiver